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Horoscopes for January 2023

Overview of January 2023

January 6 - Full Moon in Cancer

Unexpected connections, brutally honest conversations, an inspired and decadent meal shared with friends under the glow of the moon — these are all possibilities for the first Full Moon of 2023, which occurs in the sign of Cancer on January 6th. The Moon makes harmonious aspects to Uranus, Neptune and the Nodes, giving it a slightly electric and dreamy feeling — if not a little tender (also square Chiron). Pay attention to insights from surprising conversations, chance meetings, and inspiration gained from dreams.

January 12 - Mars turns direct in Gemini

Mars (the planet of action and assertion) has been retrograde in Gemini since October 31st 2022. When Mars goes retrograde, it can feel like our energy or our outwardly-directed action is stifled, blocked or frustrated in some way. This retrograde period has been prompting us to re-assess and clarify our drive and motivation in the Gemini part of our chart. When it turns direct on January 12th, we may feel revved up and ready to tackle what has been stalled or blocked these past few months. Mars will remain in Gemini until mid-March, so the story is not over yet, but this moment marks an important turning point where the energy can start to flow forward once again.

January 18 - Mercury turns direct in Capricorn

Mercury went retrograde in Capricorn on December 29th 2022, prompting us to review our plans and goals for the future, as well as the tactical strategies we’ll use to get there. When it turns direct on January 18th, it’s time to organize our arsenal of tools for the journey and to begin to implement these new plans. We may not feel like the wheels are really moving in the new year until Mercury joins Mars in its direct movement on the 18th, especially because Mars is in Mercury’s sign of Gemini.

January 21 - New Moon in Aquarius

The New Moon towards the end of the month may actually be the best time of the month to seed *New Years Resolutions* — it’s conjunct Pluto, and is in harmonious aspect to Jupiter and Mars, giving it a feeling of intensity of resolve, the capacity for big picture thinking, belief in a bigger goal or vision, and the wherewithal to take action towards this ideal. This will be the last New Moon in Aquarius with Saturn in Aquarius (it’s home sign) for the next 29 years. Because of this, and because Saturn is conjunct Venus at this New Moon, Saturn will lend a constructive hand to give shape to whatever is dreamt of at this time. Use these combination of stellar rays to conjure your longest range dreams.

Horoscopes for January 2023

The horoscopes below are meant to be read for your rising sign*, and each one also features a tarot card pulled for additional insight. *Note: If you do not know your rising sign (also called your Ascendant) but you have your time of birth, you can generate your birth chart and find your rising sign by inputing the information here.

Aries Rising: Justice

The Cancer Full Moon on January 6th highlights issues around your home, family, and living environment, and pulls at your desire for a feeling of deeper kinship with your loved ones. This is a good day to nurture connections to family, both blood and chosen, as the desire to be amongst those you belong to can be strong. Use this moment for honest conversations with those you live with or those you call family, and make room for unexpected revelations, insights or confessions.

Mars turns direct on January 12th, allowing your communications and exchanges to pick up momentum, and igniting a desire to assert yourself in new ways. It may prompt a newfound boldness in the ways that you think about your own agency, and your capacity to speak your truth. Mars is also in charge of your first house of identity (where Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance recently entered), and your 8th house of shared resources, so as it turns direct, you may also feel a surge of vitality and forward momentum in projects or collaborations with others.

When Mercury turns direct on January 18th in your 10th house of public life, a professional or career related project picks up steam, and this clarity fuels your Mars-driven desire to converse about it. Perhaps you’ve been re-assessing your bigger-picture professional goals, and the steps you must take in order to get there. When Mercury turns direct, you can now access a sense of clarity around the strategic actions you can take moving forward.

The Aquarius New Moon on January 21st is an opportune moment to set intentions around the friends, colleagues or groups of people you want to connect with, those who share your bigger visions and goals for whatever it is you are currently creating. This New Moon has a forward looking, visionary quality to it - use it to dream big.

Justice implies that it is important this month to make sure that your communications and associations with others are in true alignment with your higher guiding principles. The Justice card wants you to check in with what it is you are martialing your energy for — let it not be a hollow pursuit, but that which is led by higher principles.

Taurus Rising: 10 of Pentacles

The Cancer Full Moon on January 6th lights up your 3rd house of communication and your environment, spot-lighting a desire for close connection with siblings or friends that feel like siblings. Pay attention to conversations with loved ones which reveal new facets of your connection, or revelations about the past. This could also be a day where an unexpected insight is revealed to you through seemingly mundane activities — an errand, phone call or email could have a shard of surprising meaning, if given requisite attention.

Mars turns direct on January 12th, and with it, any stalls you’ve experienced over the last couple of months around income or resources that support your well-being may gain some traction now. If you’ve been in the process of trying to figure out a new source of income, how to do your taxes more efficiently, or how to budget more effectively, or you may soon find the resources you need to help accomplish these kinds of tasks. Mars turning direct here can give you the energy you need to maximize and allocate your assets and resources wisely. If you’ve been feeling distracted by multiple options or unsure of which path to pursue, use this moment to focus your energy on a goal or path forward.

Mercury turns direct on January 18th in your 9th house, bringing a sense of clarity to larger questions of your ideals and aspirations. The 9th house represents that which gives our lives a framework for understanding, and all associated pursuits which expand our consciousness through learning, teaching, writing, traveling, and studying. Whether you’re planning to travel, take a class, begin a new writing project or a spiritual practice, you feel connected to the panoramic vision of your life through taking concrete steps towards these new plans now.

The Aquarius New Moon on January 21st. The insights you gain from Mercury’s movements through your house of higher ideals will bolster an intention you set at the Aquarius New Moon, which takes place in your 10th house of career or public life. This New Moon asks you to consider the new ways you can show up professionally or as a community member, and the groups or alliances you can initiate or contribute to that fosters a sense of community around you.

10 of Pentacles speaks to your larger legacy that you are working to leave behind. The progress you make this month in terms of your income, resources, as well as your professional projects and connections, are the stepping stones to a larger purpose or vision. This card reminds you that your work (or whatever it is that you’re building) connects you to a lineage or tradition, and that your feeling of success grows when you connect with others who share your goals and values. You can enjoy the feeling of having finally arrived at a resting point, and soak up the feelings of fulfillment and pride in what you’ve accomplished thus far.

Gemini Rising: 7 of Cups

The Cancer Full Moon on January 6th reveals new or inspired ways in which you can attract resources to you. If you’ve recently been negotiating ways of managing or sharing resources with a partner (time, money or energy) this Full Moon may shed light on important aspects around these issues. It may also bring to light a desire or need that’s emerging (potentially within the context of relationship) for greater security and comfort, and ways that you can either ask for that desire to be met or grant it to yourself.

Mars turns direct on January 12th in your 1st house of identity, body, and selfhood. These past few months may have felt frustrating with Mars retrograde here, as any blocks to your physical energy and ability to take action may have been readily apparent. Because it is a fiery and hot planet, Mars can aggravate any tendencies toward an inflammatory response — whether physical or emotional. Use this moment to connect to your vitality and charge ahead, while also remaining aware that you may also need to temper the fire of Mars with activities which help you rest and slow down.

When Mercury turns direct on the 18th, your inflow is bolstered in some way by your outflow — money you share with or receive from others, or perhaps a trusted advisor guides you toward a sensible financial plan. This could also show up in a more psychological way, as in working out the ways in which your accountability to another requires careful discussion and emotional sensitivity. The ways in which you share energy with a partner - romantically, financially, or sexually - can gain some clarity when Mercury turns direct.

The Aquarius New Moon on January 21st presents an opportunity to seed new mental expansion by taking a course or reading something that expands your worldview, your sense of possibility, or your spirituality. You may be seeking new frameworks for understanding the bigger picture of life as your attitude or perspective on what’s important starts to shift. Feed your spirit by starting a new daily practice or routine which satisfies your desire for deeper connection to what gives your life a sense of meaning.

The 7 of Cups suggests that you may be ruminating on many different avenues or options, and to take your time before committing to a course of action - preferably, after Mercury and Mars go direct. Your sonar may still need to recalibrate, so it may behoove you to pause until clarity is more accessible. Until the fog clears, allow yourself to dive into what feeds your imagination and your desire for beauty and fantasy.

Cancer Rising: King of Wands

The Cancer Full Moon on January 6th. As the Moon is your ruling planet, the Full Moon in your 1st house may feel like a spotlight is being placed on the needs of your body and the ways that you care for yourself emotionally and physically. You may need to place the focus on yourself if you feel you’ve been eclipsed lately, and to center your needs within a relationship. You may feel especially in touch with your emotions and unable to hide, disguise or deny them — let those close to you in on how you’re really feeling.

Mars turns direct on January 12th. Mars has been retrograde in your 12th house since late October, its backward movements asking you to review and reflect on the ways in which you process emotion and inhabit the most private spaces of your self. Having Mars retrograde here can be emotionally taxing, confronting you with ways in which you work at cross purposes to yourself or ways in which you may be responding to others from a place of defensiveness. Tend to any wounds that surface during this time, and when Mars turns direct on the 12th, you may feel a sense of the frustration lightening.

Mercury turns direct on January 18th. Mercury has been retrograde in your 7th house of one-on-one relationships since late December, prompting you to reflect on your wants and needs within a relationship. Perhaps you’ve found that your needs have changed in the past couple of weeks, or that insights from the Mars retrograde have period illuminated a new way you want to relate to others. When it turns direct, it’s a good time to make any necessary adjustments or have a clarifying conversation with another.

The Aquarius New Moon on January 21st occurs in your 8th house of shared resources, making this a prime moment to reflect on how you want to approach any issues around intimacy, shared finances or emotionally charged conversations around shared responsibilities within a relationship. Whether single or partnered, reflect on new ways you want to manage your time, money, or energy and if appropriate, make a new plan for how you’ll spend, save or invest these precious resources. The plans you make now can set you up for success long term.

The King of Wands invites you to use this newfound connection to your inner warrior-king to speak your needs in relationship, and to invite in deeper intimacy with a partner or collaborator. This month is about empowerment, and the feeling of confidence that grows within you when you face your inner feelings with honesty and communicate them openly. You’re learning how to be more vulnerable, clear and direct within a close relationship and that leads to a feeling of greater connection to your inner self.

Leo Rising: Four of Wands

The Cancer Full Moon on January 6th happens in your 12th house and illuminates what is often hidden from sight, via intuitive insights that arise from the subconscious mind. Information may arise that sheds light on an issue which has been hidden or unclear, so pay attention to any themes or messages which surface from dreams or inexplicable gut feelings. Making time for meditation or a long walk helps to clear the way for these new insights to emerge.

Mars turns direct on January 12th. Since late October, Mars has been retrograde in your 11th house of groups, friends and community, and this may have stirred up some frustration or confusion around where you belong. You may have been at odds with friends or acquaintances, bumping up against other peoples’ aggression or confronting your own. When Mars turns direct on the 12th, you may start to feel that you don’t have to push quite so hard for connection anymore, and that the support you’ve been seeking flows easily towards you.

Mercury turns direct on January 18th. Mercury has been retrograde in your 6th house of daily work flow and physical health since late December, prompting you to review or revise some aspect of your daily routine, health regimen, or your communications at work. When it turns direct on the 18th, you have clarity on the new habits that help you feel nourished and sustained on a daily basis. The new routines, streamlined communication or scheduling system that you implement now helps your days flow with ease and reliability, allowing you to focus on the bigger picture.

The Aquarius New Moon on January 21st activates your 7th house of one-on-one relationships, making this an opportune time to either set the intention to cultivate a new partnership or to approach an existing one with a fresh perspective. If you’re feeling a lack of support from a partner, it’s a good time to resolve to work together towards more a mutually supportive, collaborative relationship. Use this moment to consider what might support an existing relationship to blossom further, or to clarify what you want in a future partnership.

The Four of Wands suggest a newfound feeling of belonging is available to you, whether with a group of friends or with a romantic partner. This month is about celebrating where you are, what you’ve achieved and who you’ve achieved it with. Amidst the business of your daily life and the potential for miscommunications or confusion within a group of friends, make sure to celebrate the connections that do nourish you and to let those people know how much they mean to you.

Virgo Rising: Ace of Wands

The Cancer Full Moon on January 6th brings clarity around the larger groups of people you’d like to work with or connect to. This Full Moon may reveal a desire you have for greater connection to friends or acquaintances, and also the ways that you might go about finding and making those connections. The associations you seek may come from unexpected places, so remain open to unusual invitations or ways of networking with others that you may not normally seek out.

Mars turns direct on January 12th. The way you define yourself to others has been under review since late October, when Mars went retrograde on October 31st in your 10th house of career and public life. Perhaps a work project has been stalled, you’ve wanted to shift directions professionally, or you’ve been unclear about which direction to take. When Mars turns direct on the 12th, you may find that communications pick up and clarity around your career direction begins to emerge. With the planet of action and drive in full swing towards the end of the month, you find yourself approaching this part of your life with a renewed gusto.

Mercury turns direct on January 18th in your 5th house of creativity, birth, and romance; bringing in news around a creative project or a flirtatious exchange. If these past few weeks have seen you re-working a creative project or having to go back to the drawing board in some way, you may find that the concrete steps you must take to move forward are clearer now. Consider how these detours may have actually helped you align with the path you find yourself on now, and how confusion can actually be a generative and productive strategy for creative work.

The Aquarius New Moon on January 21st is a great time to think about what new daily routines or structures you can put into place in order to support your new creative and professional dreams. This is an ideal time to begin to implement practices which support your overall health and sense of well-being, which can have a lasting and supportive effect on your ability to feel your best on a daily basis. Taking care to pay attention to the details of everyday life, such as organizational projects or those which require careful analysis, can yield surprisingly supportive results.

The Ace of Wands promises that any new plans you hatch now can be nurtured into existence and blossom over time. When you feel the fire of a new idea start to burn, make sure to tend its flames so it doesn’t extinguish — a seedling can’t water itself. This month, tap into and follow the flashes of inspiration that prompt you to begin a new project or embark on a new path — this willingness to follow the crumbs of inspiration can lead you somewhere unexpected and creatively exciting.

Libra Rising: Page of Wands

The Cancer Full Moon on January 6th is a spotlight on your 10th house of career, illuminating your work or your role in public. This is a moment where your career or vocation takes center stage, and you may receive recognition for your achievements or some form of positive attention for your work. If this Full Moon’s activity sheds light on a pain point in the area of your career, or the way that you relate to your professional identity, take time to tend to what arises with compassion.

Mars turns direct on January 12th. Mars has been retrograde in your 9th house of big visions and goals since late October, potentially frustrating your attempts to puzzle out the bigger picture or gain traction on project involving communication. Perhaps you’ve been reconsidering your philosophical, spiritual or ideological perspective on life, or generally wanting to broaden your horizons in some way and finding roadblocks on your path. When Mars turns direct on January 12th, the path begins to clear and you can start to make progress towards those long range travel plans, an educational pursuit, or disseminating your work to a larger audience.

Mercury turns direct on January 18th in your 4th house of roots and foundations, and something which may have been under review relating to your home and family life can now be understood. You may have been making adjustments to your home to make it feel more grounded and stable, or perhaps you’ve been re-thinking what the concept of home means to you now, and what it is you need to feel secure and rooted. This is a good time for any home-related maintenance, as well as any emotional maintenance around your family or those you live with, as conversations which are grounded and clear can happen now.

At the Aquarius New Moon on January 21st in your 5th house, it’s time to plant seeds for what new projects you desire to birth into existence. The 5th house corresponds to fertility, and as such this is a prime moment to conceive of what it is you’d like to birth, either literally or creatively. This Full Moon asks you to envision your wildest creative fantasy and then start to map out the necessary and practical steps you can take to realize it. This is also also an opportune time to begin a new romance, or to enliven an existing one, especially if you’re in the mood to seduce or be seduced.

The Page of Wands If you’ve been feeling stagnant creatively, this is an encouragement to seek broader horizons. It suggests beginning a new endeavor, fueled by curiosity and inspired by the philosophical or spiritual ideas which call to you. If you’re at the beginning of a new creative journey, this card encourages you to seek out those who have carved a similar path who inspire you.

Scorpio Rising: Death

At The Cancer Full Moon on January 6th, you may notice a perspective shift around your larger goals, dreams or ideals, and you may find clarity around what motivates you towards a higher sense of purpose. If there’s a disconnect between your higher ideals and the way you enact them in everyday life, or between your daily routine and your bigger-picture goals, this could be highlighted now. This may prompt you to structure your days so that they are more in line with your larger plans, or it may compel you to break out of your normal daily routine to satisfy a need for adventure and expansion.

When Mars turns direct on January 12th in your 8th house of shared resources, your financial obligations to a partner or project can be assessed with more clarity. With Mars retrograding through your 8th house since late October, how you spend your money, time or other resources may have been under review or a source of tension within a relationship. If this has felt frustrating or stalled in recent months, when Mars turns direct, you feel a sense of agency again and are capable of working through any issues that may have arisen. You’ll feel more in touch with your own sense of agency and power, which allows you to focus your energy in more productive ways and to begin fruitful new collaborations.

Mercury turns direct on January 18th. Since late December, Mercury has been playing tricks in your house which deals with your communications and your environment, amplifying Mercury’s signature retrograde moves: messages lost in transit, canceled appointments, and slips of the tongue. If you’ve found yourself having to re-trace your steps, review your correspondences thoroughly, or re-think a communication-related project, you will be well prepared when Mercury turns direct. The writer’s block makes way for focused and grounded communication, and any mental fogginess or lack of clarity can be pierced now.

The Aquarius New Moon on January 21st in your 4th house is an opportune time to plant seeds for any changes you’d like to make to your home. Saturn (the ruler of your 4th house) has been in your 4th house for over two years, so any frustrations with your living environment or issues around home and family may have been especially hard to ignore these past few years. Because Saturn is also the ruler of this auspicious New Moon in your 4th house, it’s an opportune time to start to make any changes or crystallize your desires for change in this area of life that have been waiting in the wings. This New Moon has the ability to potentiate shifts around your home, living environment or issues surrounding your family.

The Death card asks you to embrace the changes that are underway — whether in your partnerships, your living environment or your broader goals — and to allow life to show you where to surrender old versions of self. The Death card is asking to to continue to shed any lingering outworn notions of your self-concept so that there is space for the new to emerge.

Sagittarius Rising: Ace of Pentacles

At the The Cancer Full Moon on January 6th in your 8th house, you may be thinking about the balance of give and take within a relationship (romantic or business). This Full Moon may highlight the ways that the flow of energy between you and another is off, bringing clarity to what it is you need to feel balanced and secure within a partnership. It may also be illuminating issues around debts, obligations or financial matters which call to your attention now; or it could highlight a moment where you feel that your resources are being stretched. Once Mercury turns direct later in the month, these tensions can begin to resolve.

Mars turns direct on January 12th. Mars has been retrograde in your 7th house of one-on-one relationships since late October, which may have had you treading familiar battle ground within an existing partnership, or encountering ghosts of relationships past. Confrontations with a partner may have felt aggravating over the past few months, and your willingness to go to war with your partner may have been especially high. Once Mars turns direct, you’re shown which relationships are worth the effort, and you’ll feel ready to commit to someone new or re-commit to an existing partnership, perhaps with a new understanding of each other’s pain points and a renewed passion.

Mercury turns direct on January 18th in your 2nd house of income and resources, which allows lingering issues around finances to find resolution. If the Full Moon on January 6th highlighted a stressful moment in this arena, you’ll find that the grounded and practical steps you take now can support you going forward.

Because Mercury is in the sign of Capricorn, if you have ideas for new ways to generate material resources or income, follow the lead of the sea-goat and aim for the tallest mountain peak, adopt a wise and careful approach, and execute each step in its logical order.

The Aquarius New Moon on January 21st occurs in your 3rd house of communications, daily interactions and your environment. This is a prime moment to begin a new venture which requires original and innovative communication, a long form writing project, or simply to create a new daily journaling habit. Whether you’re expanding your knowledge by taking a course, reading a new book, or just reaching out to those in your close circle, it’s a good time for focusing on that which enriches your mind and daily habits.

The Ace of Pentacles represents a new project or idea that can support you materially, and it is an encouragement to pay attention to new offers, ideas or projects which come your way, especially after Mercury turns direct on January 18th. There is an energy of grounded new beginnings this month, so pay careful attention to which new seeds want to be watered and remember to exercise patience, as this is the just the beginning — a gateway to a new opportunity which can enrich your life.

Capricorn Rising: Six of Wands

The Cancer Full Moon on January 6th in your 7th house catalyzes new insights or realizations about an important one-on-one relationship (romantic, platonic or business) and what you or your partner needs to feel nurtured and supported. If you’ve been needing to have an honest conversation, this Full Moon may help to grease the wheels and illuminate the truth of the matter. This helps you to see your partner’s perspective and to help you balance your needs against theirs, ultimately allowing for closer connection.

Mars turns direct on January 12th. Mars has been retrograding through your 6th house of work, routines and health since late October; potentially leading to feelings of burn out in your daily work and activities. If you’ve been feeling stretched too thin by the demands of daily life or by aggressive co-workers, Mars turning direct can help in clarifying priorities, setting boundaries, and discarding any time or energy-sucking distractions. You can now use your energy towards focusing on new routines that maximize your energy wisely and efficiently. If workplace communications have been strained, use this time to have clarifying conversations which center calm, tactful approaches.

When Mercury turns direct on January 18th in your 1st house of self and identity, you may feel a sense of clarity around an aspect of your identity or self-image which has been under review for the past few weeks. Perhaps you are able to take action on the new insights gained at the Full Moon about your partnership, or to implement new systems which are more supportive to your general sense of well-being. You may be feeling newly emboldened to assert yourself in a leadership role or to seek recognition for your achievements.

At The Aquarius New Moon on January 21st in your 2nd house, dream up new ways to feel supported materially, whether that’s a new source of income or trading your time and skills for other valuable resources. This New Moon asks you to notice what sustains you on a daily basis — the food you eat, the plants you grow, the money you earn — with a sense of renewed attention to the pleasures they provide.

Six of Wands. There is an air of recognition and success around your projects this month, and with Mars and Mercury both direct by the 18th, you feel celebrated for the gains you have made in work or in efforts to put yourself out there. Bask in the feeling of being celebrated for what you’ve achieved or for simply being appreciated for who you are, and the feeling of growing confidence within you.

Aquarius Rising: Page of Swords

The Cancer Full Moon on January 6th highlights an issue in the realm of your daily work life or overall feeling of health and wellness. If you’ve been feeling the need to revitalize or streamline your daily routine to be more supportive of your health and wellbeing, (whether that’s a new exercise routine, a meditation practice or a new work schedule) this Full Moon may shine a light on what needs tweaking. As you pay attention and tend to your bodily needs, this also helps to soothe an anxious or busy mind.

Mars turns direct on January 12th. With Mars retrograding through your 5th house of creativity and fertility since late October, you may have been experimenting and dabbling with a number of different projects, desiring to channel your energy in inventive and productive ways. If you’ve been re-working a creative project (especially those that deal with communication), when Mars turns direct, you’ll find a sense of clarity and focus and forge ahead with conviction. Focus on those projects which light up new neural pathways in your mind and engender a sense of play and possibility within you.

Mercury turns direct on January 18th. Keep aware of your thoughts which may be self-defeating or overly negative — with Mercury retrograding through your 12th house, it may have been difficult to stop ruminating on fears and worries. When Mercury turns direct, you have the tools to begin to see your blind spots more clearly and to tackle any difficult material that emerges with a sense of calm grounded focus and clarity.

The Aquarius New Moon on January 21st in your 1st house of identity is a powerful time to set intentions around a personal reinvention or a new way of expressing yourself, both physically (as in your appearance) and energetically (as in your overall vibe). This month has shed light on your daily habits and health routines, your creative expression, and your subconscious mind — with these revelations in hand, envision a new way of expressing your identity which is truer and more reflective of the evolving You that you are.

The Page of Swords asks you to keep an open mind to the possibility of newness that awaits you. You are full of energy with the desire to communicate in new ways and the Page of Swords encourages you to adopt a beginner mindset to whatever pulls at your attention most this month. If embarking on a new creative project has you feeling defensive or sensitive to feedback, this card is a reminder to gently lower your shield and face your sensitivities with attention and care.

Pisces Rising: The Sun

At the Cancer Full Moon on January 6th, a desire for something you want to birth comes into focus, whether that’s metaphorically or literally. Cultivate what wants to grow here, and you’ll feel renewed creatively or artistically. If you need an emotional release, try to channel it into a creative project. If your ability to play and creatively express yourself as a young person was blocked or not supported in some way, it may feel uncomfortable to give yourself permission to allow for this kind of freedom — but this Full Moon wants to give you exactly that, permission to indulge in whatever it is that feeds your creative and libidinal spirit.

Mars turns direct on January 12th. Mars has been retrograde in your 4th house of home and family, stirring up frustration, delays and roadblocks around an aspect of your home, family or living situation. When Mars turns direct, you may find momentum for making changes at home, whether that’s moving residences, re-organizing your home or having conversations with family members that clear the air. This retrograde period provided you time to get in touch with what is most important to you in regards to the foundations of your life, and to approach these issues with a renewed feeling of energy and clarity.

Mercury turns direct on January 18th. Mercury has been retrograding through your 11th house of friends and networks over the past few weeks, and frustrated expectations may have prompted you to reconsider who you’d like to spend your time with. If you’ve been wanting to connect with new people either socially or professionally, when Mercury turns direct, it’s a good time for getting in touch with those who share similar interests and ideals as you. Make an effort to reach out and make concrete plans to connect with friends or colleagues who matter to you now.

The Aquarius New Moon on January 21st happens in your 12th house of solitude, the subconscious mind and that which is hidden from view. This marks a prime moment for self-reflection, journaling or paying extra attention to your dreams. Whatever is revealed from your subconscious now can hold the keys to embodying more of your authentic self. Use this moment to re-charge your batteries, to spend some time excavating the shadowy crevices of your psyche and to release anything that doesn’t feel supportive.

The Sun card encourages you to use the insights garnered at the New Moon to revel in a renewed connection to your true self and to radiate this authenticity outwards. It is a reminder that your eternal power source within is abundant, ever flowing and always available to you. The Sun is alive in you and is expressed through your warmth, radiance, and through the creative manifestations of your will.


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