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Aries Rising / Libra Eclipse in the 7th House

Aries by Jacques de Gheyn II, 1621

The Aries-Libra eclipses are taking place across your your 1st of house of identity and your 7th house of committed partnerships (of all kinds), with the Libra eclipse focused on your 7th. These two houses will be the site of major developments, as the eclipses highlight the ways that you're growing into a new mode of self-expression which mirrors your evolving identity as well as the shifts and changes taking place within your committed partnership(s). The Libra eclipse may mark the start of a new chapter within a relationship, one of deepened intimacy and a newfound level of honesty -- or otherwise a desire to retract your energy from any partnerships which no longer feel fulfilling. You may feel compelled to shed outworn ways of relating, or to find new ways to balance your desire for individual agency with your desire for compromise, commitment and harmony.

Taurus Rising / Libra Eclipse in the 6th House

Taurus by Jacques de Gheyn II, 1621

The Aries-Libra eclipses are taking place across your 6th house of physical health & daily work and your 12th house of your subconscious. Eclipses across this axis may urge you to make changes so that your daily routine and work is more supportive of your ability to dwell within your own inner spaciousness and tend to your creative, emotional or spiritual needs. With the North Node in your 12th house, you could feel called to explore as-of-yet unexpressed parts of you, perhaps relating to the Aries archetype of the warrior, the pioneer, the adventurer. The Libra eclipse may highlight something in your daily life which you are ready to let go of or delegate to make room for these explorations. But rather than renouncing the mall for the mountaintop altogether, these eclipses are asking you to find ways of integrating the needs of your soul into the lived experience of your daily life, so that you feel more whole and balanced as you attend to all parts of yourself.

Gemini Rising / Libra Eclipse in the 5th House

Gemini by Jacques de Gheyn II, 1621

The Aries-Libra eclipses are taking place across your 5th house of pleasure and creativity and your 11th house of social and professional networks. Eclipses across this axis highlight the nature of your fertile energy (whether that is for creative work, literal birth or both) and the ways that it connects to and intersects with the larger world. The Libra eclipse occurs in your 5th house, prompting you to reflect on a creative process you’ve been honing. This presents an opportunity to appreciate the gains you’ve made and to feel a sense of completion or culmination, as well as to potentially shift your approach by incorporating a new process or by doing away with an old or outworn way of working. This eclipse could also see you shedding any partnerships which are not supportive of your larger goal, which in turn will help you to connect to your desired audience or outcome.

Cancer Rising / Libra Eclipse in the 4th House

Cancer by Jacques de Gheyn II, 1621

The Aries-Libra eclipses are taking place across your 10th house of your career and vocation your 4th house of home and family. Eclipses across this axis are highlighting changes at home or to your foundational structures on the one hand, and increasing energy or desire for achievement and recognition of your work on the other. The Libra eclipse will occur in your 4th house, which could signal a shift in your home life through physically moving, your family unit growing or decreasing, or a reconfiguration of the way you attend to responsibilities at home. The South Node here also represents the accumulated wisdom of your roots or family system and the need to parse through what traditions, beliefs, and dynamics you want to perpetuate and those you wish to leave behind. This eclipse could see you renegotiating the social dynamics at home, perhaps by letting go of any responsibilities which feel overly draining so that you can better attend to your own needs both within and outside of the home.

Leo Rising / Libra Eclipse in the 3rd House

Leo by Jacques de Gheyn II, 1621

The Aries-Libra eclipses are taking place across your 3rd house of your daily environment and mind and your 9th house of expansion, learning, and higher ideals. Eclipses across this axis are highlighting changes to your mindset and aspirations for growth through travel, educational pursuits, or a reformulation of your big-picture ideals. You may feel compelled to leave behind limited ways of thinking with a newfound willingness to take risks that serve to propel you towards your goals. As an axis of writing and broadcasting your ideas through various mediums, the 3rd and 9th houses also speak to the work of formulating and sharing ideas, with the focus here on widening your reach. You may be changing the way you relate to your immediate environment or neighborhood by physically relocating or traveling, or by simply adjusting your daily habits and routines so that your days feel more expansive and centered on bigger picture goals.

Virgo Rising / Libra Eclipse in the 2nd House

Virgo by Jacques de Gheyn II, 1621

The Aries-Libra eclipses are taking place across your 8th house of shared financial matters and your 2nd house of income and resources, highlighting changes to the way you earn, spend, share, and receive money or other resources. The Libra eclipse occurs in your 2nd house, which may coincide with culminations in a work project or with seeing rewards for efforts to cultivate your skills and talents. It could also spark a desire to rethink an aspect of the way you make a living or changes to how you approach your work, including how you use your time, energy and skills. You may be releasing certain ways of relating to others in your workplace in order to feel more assertive, center your own opinion more, or to claim more authority within your role. These changes could coincide with a growing focus on your joint endeavors with a business or marriage partner, and an increased desire to initiate projects and business ventures with other collaborators.

Libra Rising / Libra Eclipse in the 1st House

Libra by Jacques de Gheyn II, 1621

The Aries-Libra eclipses are taking place across your 7th house of committed partnerships and your 1st house of identity and body, with the Libra eclipse focused on your 1st house. Eclipses across this axis will highlight a profound shift to your identity while simultaneously asking you to clarify and strengthen the commitments and partnerships (romantic, platonic or business related) which enrich your life. With the Libra eclipse occurring in your 1st house, you may be undergoing some tectonic shifts to your self-definition, as you release old versions of self and ways of relating to the people in your life which hinder your growth. Allow time and space for this transformation to take place, and allow time for rest if the process feels taxing on your energy. You are entering a once in two-decade cosmic skin shedding that will strip you of anything that no longer fits, making space for you to embrace new facets of self-expression and identity.

Scorpio Rising / Libra Eclipse in the 12th House

Pistris by Jacques de Gheyn II, 1621

The Aries-Libra eclipses are taking place across your 6th house of daily work and health and your 12th house of your subconscious, highlighting your daily grind and the ways that you tend to your mental health or solitary time. The Libra eclipse occurs in your 12th house, which may prompt a desire to clean out your psychic or literal closets, or work to release an unhelpful self-limiting pattern which is holding you back in some way. With the North Node in your 6th house, you may find that you have less time for solitude or reflection, as more is demanded of you in your daily life through work or physical activity. This eclipse offers an opportunity to focus on what needs tending to in your own inner chambers which will in turn support the physical or energetic demands of your daily life.

Sagittarius Rising / Libra Eclipse in the 11th House

Sagittarius by Jacques de Gheyn II, 1621

The Aries-Libra eclipses are taking place across your 11th house of professional and social networks and your 5th house of creativity and pleasure, highlighting the ways that your extended networks support your creative goals and vice versa. The Libra eclipse takes place in your 11th house, illuminating how you relate to your broader community or group of friends and spotlighting any culminations in your work projects which connect you to your broader networks. The South Node here may present opportunities to reflect on and distill the wisdom you’ve gained about who you want to connect to through your work and who can best support your ongoing growth. The Libra eclipse may prompt you to examine if there are any ways in which you compromise your vision or desires in order to please the group, and any relationships or associations which no longer feel fulfilling can be released or renegotiated through honest conversation or reflection.

Capricorn Rising / Libra Eclipse in the 10th House

Capricorn by Jacques de Gheyn II, 1621

The Aries-Libra eclipses are taking place across your 10th house of your vocation and public work and your 4th house of home and family, highlighting the ways that your responsibilities at home and work may be shifting as you feel the call to detach from the world of your work or to renegotiate how you show up in professional role or to your greater calling. The Libra eclipse takes place in your 10th house, which may coincide with culminations in your career and the chance to reap rewards for hard work put in over time. If you feel burned out by too many responsibilities, social obligations or by aspects of your work which feel draining, this eclipse may offer an opportunity to release some burdens or to re-prioritize your energy so that it is less taxing on your system. This could coincide with a feeling of wanting to settle into your roots more, expand your sense of home, or focus your energy on projects related to land, home and family.

Aquarius Rising / Libra Eclipse in the 9th House

Aquarius by Jacques de Gheyn II, 1621

The Aries-Libra eclipses are taking place across your 3rd house of your daily environment and mind and your 9th house of travel and expansion. Eclipses across this axis may highlight a desire to broaden your horizons so that your daily life feels more expansive, and to rethink any outdated ideals or big-picture goals which no longer feel resonant for you. The Libra eclipse takes place in your 9th house, compelling a close examination of the beliefs you hold about the world and your place in it. You may find that your perceptions about your daily life and the meaning you make about it are shifting to accommodate new perspectives. If you’ve held too tightly to any ideas or ideals that no longer feel resonant, you may start to feel these shift or slip away. You could feel a growing need to communicate your evolving ideals in new ways, and possibly take up a new area of study or that helps to broaden your mind.

Pisces Rising / Libra Eclipse in the 8th House

Pisces by Jacques de Gheyn II, 1621

The Aries-Libra eclipses are taking place across your 2nd house of earned income and resources and your 8th house of shared financial and emotional obligations. Eclipses across this axis relate to the money you earn, share, owe, and receive from others and could highlight a growing desire to forge a new business venture, strike out on your own, or to take the leap of faith to cultivate a new talent or skill. This desire to nurture new skills or projects may run parallel to a psychological process of building up your inner feeling of security, self-trust and capability. With the Libra eclipse taking place in your 8th house, there may be shifts to finances that you share with a partner (marriage, business, or otherwise) that require a re-allocation of resources and a careful negotiation of how to handle shared responsibilities. The South Node here may trigger a release of old debts, whether literal or metaphorical, and a newfound resolve for increased self-determination and self-reliance.

Eclipses Are Major Turning Points, And Why You Should Always Leave Room for Surprise

Agnes Pelton, Orbits, oil on canvas, 1934

As we approach the Fall of eclipses of 2023, I wanted to take a moment to tell you a bit about them, and to let you know that I will be offering Eclipse Readings through October 13th. I will also share a personal eclipse story to illuminate how they can impact our lives in profound and surprising ways — and why you should always leave room for the unexpected (no matter what the astrology appears to be saying).

Since ancient times and across cultures, eclipses have regarded as a time where the normal patterns of daily life are suspended and thrown off course by the temporary occlusion of the sun’s light, generating awe and terror in its observers. Coming from the Greek word meaning “disappearance”, eclipses seem to coincide with high gusts of change, kicking up psychic debris and instigating major beginnings and endings (especially when impacting a planet or point in your birth chart specifically). When this happens, major life shifts can occur that often have the quality of feeling fated.

Calculating an eclipse, from 15th c Germany

Eclipses always occur near the North and South Nodes of the Moon, which travel as a pair in opposite signs of the zodiac, and have been depicted as a dragon head and tail since the dawn of astrology. The Dragon’s Head as the North Node represents desire, increase, gain, and accumulation; the Dragon’s Tail as the South Node symbolizes release, surrender, loss, and letting go. Thus, eclipses tend to highlight where we are being pushed to grow and expand (and where we can sometimes be blinded by an insatiable hunger), or else where we are being encouraged to let go and release (and where we sometimes resist change).

The Nodes as a dragon, Peter Apian, "Astronomicum Caesareum" 1540

2023 brings the end of the Taurus-Scorpio eclipses (which began in late 2021) and the beginning of Aries-Libra eclipses (which began with an Aries eclipse in April 2023). Whereas the Taurus-Scorpio axis deals with resources and security, the Aries-Libra axis highlights questions of relationship — to the self and to others.

The eclipse on October 14th marks the first Libra eclipse in almost two decades. It is a South Node eclipse, highlighting themes of release and surrender, but it is also a New Moon eclipse, which indicates beginnings and new seeds being planted. That these two themes are highlighted simultaneously suggests that something must be released in order for something new to take root.

The story that will play out across your Libra and Aries houses are the site of these beginnings and endings, and I would love to help you glimpse the possibilities of what this new cycle may catalyze for you. I have 7 spots available before October 14th for Eclipse Readings, and if you’re so inclined, you can book yours below!

The second eclipse of the Fall season, the Taurus eclipse on October 28th, closes out a two year Taurus-Scorpio eclipse cycle which began in November of 2021. This eclipse will act as a kind of closure on whatever has transpired for you over this eclipse series — at least until the next Scorpio-Taurus eclipses occur in 2041.

If I may look back at the Taurus-Scorpio eclipses for a moment: as a Scorpio rising, they occurred across my 1st house of identity and my 7th house of committed partnership. These eclipses coincided almost to the day with two very different kinds of life events: major financial losses due to investments which had been made under misleading pretenses, as well as the official intertwining of my life to my now husband through marriage and a wedding. As I was forced to let go of my attachment to that which brought me a sense of security (Scorpio South Node eclipses in the 1st house), I was also reconfiguring my identity as an essentially autonomous person through marriage (Taurus North Node eclipses in my 7th house of partnership).

Because of how precisely the first two Scorpio eclipses coincided with financial losses (in May and November of 2022), I was looking towards the third and final Scorpio eclipse of May 2023 with a slight feeling of dread. It had all the markings of a decidedly gnarly moment (the Moon in fall in Scorpio conjunct the South Node, ruled by Mars in fall in Cancer, opposite Uranus in Taurus). It was also within 1 degree of my Ascendant, the most sensitive part of any chart, making this the most personal eclipse in my lifetime thus far. Against my better judgement, I couldn’t stop myself from wondering and worrying, what else would I lose?

The Great Eclipse of 1878, pastel drawing by E.L. Trouvelot, 1878

If you read my last newsletter, you will already know that I discovered I was pregnant during the Mercury cazimi on May 1st (from an at-home test). As it turned out, May 5th was the day that I received official confirmation of this pregnancy from a blood test done at my doctor’s office. Suffice to say that this news, received on the day of the final Scorpio eclipse, came as a tremendous relief and underscored the theme, experienced earlier in the year through my marriage, of a deep reconfiguration of my sense of self. The signatures of the eclipse were on point: a highly personal loss of some aspect of my identity (as a biologically individual person) was underway, but it was also an opportunity to expand my definition of self to include the possibility of new life.

Agnes Pelton, Departure, oil on canvas, 1952

I share this personal tale with you to illustrate how, even when the astrological signatures inspire fear, trepidation, or anxiety, it is always in our best interest to leave room to be surprised. So for all the Libra risings out there, who will also have the South Node eclipses in your 1st house of identity: ye shall not forget that experiences of loss, release, and surrender can also act as catalysts for massive gifts. Everyone will experience this eclipse in some part of your chart, so this sentiment applies to all, though to varying degrees of intensity based on your chart.

With astrology, planetary cycles recur and morph and re-iterate, but they don’t ever truly end. It is us who have definite endings, though we have been granted the gift (or curse?) of living inside time, and to have the distinctly human experience of living through endings and beginnings in many ways, both big and small, throughout our lives. Eclipses are like micro-moments of the birth and death process, and if you feel called to explore, I would be thrilled to be your astrological guide through this season of change.

Newsletter from September 4th, 2023

Venus with Taurus and Libra, from the Bibliotheque Nationale de France, 1945

Dear Reader,

Alas! As of today, Venus has emerged from her 40 day retrograde visit to the underworld, and is preparing to be re-birthed anew. Now visible in the early morning skies, Venus’ re-emergence symbolizes an opportunity to reflect on what’s transpired over the past month and a half. For a review of your Venus retrograde horoscopes by rising sign, click here. A common theme of Venus retrogrades is breaking or renewing attachments to precious people, projects, desires and ideals. What (if anything) have you uncovered, been surprised by, reclaimed, re-subscribed to, un-subscribed to, or reconnected with in the past month and a half? Did it in any way link to or rhyme with what was happening in August-September of 2015* (the last time Venus went retrograde in Leo)?

La Volupte (Sensual Pleasure), vintage French playing card

And although Mercury is still retrograde (thus hijinx), this week promises a moment of clarity and insight via the Sun-Mercury cazimi which happens on Wednesday, September 6th. A cazimi is a short window of time when Mercury (the planet of communication and messages) enters “the heart of the Sun” — astronomically speaking, when they are at the exact same degree of the zodiac. This phenomenon is associated with revelations, insights, breakthroughs, and receiving messages or news of importance, as the communicative power of Mercury is amplified and illuminated during these few hours.

Robert Fludd, from Utriusque Cosmi, 1621

If you’re so inclined, you may take this moment on this day to pull a tarot card. Or you may prefer to let life reveal what it will, through conversations, communications, encounters, or dreams. It’s a good day for staying a little extra alert to what you hear, see, read, and think. Sometimes these cazimi insights are as soft as a whisper, and sometimes they are as loud as the angel’s trumpet on the Judgement card.

Judgement, from the Tarot Minchiate Florentinas

I will offer a recent example from my own life:

Earlier this year on May 1st, the Sun and Mercury formed a cazimi in the sign of Taurus. It was during this cazimi that I discovered I was pregnant.

I took an at home pregnancy test because I was a couple days late, though I figured it was due to an irregularity in my cycle rather than a pregnancy. I thought this was the case because my husband and I were under the impression that it would be exceedingly difficult to become pregnant naturally. It had only been a couple of weeks since a fertility doctor told us (after reviewing some tests) that we had a less than 3% chance of getting pregnant without medical interventions.

I read the positive result of my at home pregnancy test with disbelief, and immediately looked to the chart of the sky at that moment — there was Mercury and Sun, both at 11 degrees of Taurus, meeting in my 7th house of one-on-one partnerships. While the 7th house isn’t typically associated with children or pregnancy, I can’t imagine a more intimate partnership than having another living being growing inside of you, absorbing everything that travels through you, physically and psychically. A revelation about a partnership, indeed, and easily the most profound and life changing *message* I’ve ever received.

Robert Fludd, from Utriusque Cosmi, 1621

I share this to illustrate the ways in which observing the astrological currents can infuse your own life with a kind of heightened awareness to the symbolic dimension of reality — which in turn, can promote a deepened appreciation (or at least a greater acceptance) for whatever life brings. If you’d like a thorough understanding of how this Venus retrograde, the Mercury cazimi, or the upcoming Fall astro-weather may impact your own life, I would be happy to assist with a one-on-one consultation, which you can book here.

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